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Source code for blitzdb.backends.file.backend

import blitzdb

from blitzdb.backends.file.queryset import QuerySet
from import TransactionalStore, Store
from blitzdb.backends.file.index import TransactionalIndex, Index
from blitzdb.backends.base import Backend as BaseBackend, NotInTransaction, InTransaction
from blitzdb.backends.file.serializers import PickleSerializer, JsonSerializer, MarshalSerializer
from blitzdb.backends.file.queries import compile_query

import six
import os
import os.path

import hashlib
import datetime
import uuid
import copy

from collections import defaultdict

store_classes = {
    'transactional': TransactionalStore,
    'basic': Store,

index_classes = {
    'transactional': TransactionalIndex,
    'basic': Index

serializer_classes = {
    'pickle': PickleSerializer,
    'json': JsonSerializer,
    'marshal': MarshalSerializer

# will only be available if cjson is installed
    from blitzdb.backends.file.serializers import CJsonSerializer
    serializer_classes['cjson'] = CJsonSerializer
except ImportError:

class DatabaseIndexError(BaseException):
    Gets raised when the index of the database is corrupted (ideally this should never happen).

    To recover from this error, you can call the `rebuild_index` function of the file backend with the
    affected collection and key as parameters.

[docs]class Backend(BaseBackend): """ A file-based database backend. Uses flat files to store objects on the hard disk and file-based indexes to optimize querying. :param path: The path to the database. If non-existant it will be created :param config: The configuration dictionary. If not specified, Blitz will try to load it from disk. If this fails, the default configuration will be used instead. .. warning:: It might seem tempting to use the `autocommit` config and not having to worry about calling `commit` by hand. Please be advised that this can incur a significant overhead in write time since a `commit` will trigger a complete rewrite of all indexes to disk. """ # the default configuration values. default_config = { 'indexes': {}, 'store_class': 'transactional', 'index_class': 'transactional', 'index_store_class': 'basic', 'serializer_class': 'json', 'autocommit': False, } config_defaults = {} def __init__(self, path, config=None, overwrite_config=False, **kwargs): self._path = os.path.abspath(path) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) self.collections = {} self.stores = {} self.in_transaction = False self.indexes = defaultdict(lambda: {}) self.index_stores = defaultdict(lambda: {}) self.load_config(config, overwrite_config) super(Backend, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def autocommit(self): return True if 'autocommit' in self.config and self.config['autocommit'] else False @autocommit.setter def autocommit(self, value): if value not in (True, False): raise TypeError("Value must be boolean!") self.config['autocommit'] = value
[docs] def begin(self): """ Starts a new transaction """ if self.in_transaction: # we're already in a transaction... self.commit() self.in_transaction = True for collection, store in self.stores.items(): store.begin() indexes = self.indexes[collection] for index in indexes.values(): index.begin()
@property def StoreClass(self): return store_classes[self.config['store_class']] @property def IndexClass(self): return index_classes[self.config['index_class']] @property def IndexStoreClass(self): return store_classes[self.config['index_store_class']] @property def SerializerClass(self): return serializer_classes[self.config['serializer_class']]
[docs] def rollback(self): """ Rolls back a transaction """ if not self.in_transaction: raise NotInTransaction for collection, store in self.stores.items(): store.rollback() indexes = self.indexes[collection] indexes_to_rebuild = [] for key, index in indexes.items(): try: index.rollback() except NotInTransaction: # this index is "dirty" and needs to be rebuilt (probably it has been created within a transaction) indexes_to_rebuild.append(key) if indexes_to_rebuild: self.rebuild_indexes(collection, indexes_to_rebuild) self.in_transaction = False
[docs] def commit(self): """ Commits all pending transactions to the database. .. admonition:: Warning This operation can be **expensive** in runtime if a large number of documents (>100.000) is contained in the database, since it will cause all database indexes to be written to disk. """ for collection in self.collections: store = self.get_collection_store(collection) store.commit() indexes = self.get_collection_indexes(collection) for index in indexes.values(): index.commit() self.in_transaction = False self.begin()
[docs] def rebuild_index(self, collection, key): """ Rebuild a given index using the objects stored in the database. :param collection: The name of the collection for which to rebuild the index :param key: The key of the index to be rebuilt """ return self.rebuild_indexes(collection, [key])
[docs] def create_index(self, cls_or_collection, params=None, fields=None, ephemeral=False): """ Creates a new index on the given collection or class with the given parameters. :param cls_or_collection: The name of the collection or the class for which to create an index :param params: The parameters of the index :param ephemeral: Whether to create a persistent or an ephemeral index `params` expects either a dictionary of parameters or a string value. In the latter case, it will interpret the string as the name of the key for which an index is to be created. If `ephemeral = True`, the index will be created only in memory and will not be written to disk when :py:meth:`.commit` is called. This is useful for optimizing query performance. ..notice:: By default, BlitzDB will create ephemeral indexes for all keys over which you perform queries, so after you've run a query on a given key for the first time, the second run will usually be much faster. **Specifying keys** Keys can be specified just like in MongoDB, using a dot ('.') to specify nested keys. .. code-block:: python actor = Actor({'name' : 'Charlie Chaplin', 'foo' : {'value' : 'bar'}}) If you want to create an index on `actor['foo']['value']` , you can just say .. code-block:: python backend.create_index(Actor,'foo.value') .. warning:: Transcendental indexes (i.e. indexes transcending the boundaries of referenced objects) are currently not supported by Blitz, which means you can't create an index on an attribute value of a document that is embedded in another document. """ if params: return self.create_indexes(cls_or_collection, [params], ephemeral=ephemeral) elif fields: params = [] if len(fields.items()) > 1: raise ValueError("File backend currently does not support multi-key indexes, sorry :/") return self.create_indexes(cls_or_collection, [{'key': list(fields.keys())[0]}], ephemeral=ephemeral) else: raise AttributeError("You must either specify params or fields!")
def get_pk_index(self, collection): """ Returns the primary key index for a given collection: :param collection: the collection for which to return the primary index :returns: the primary key index of the given collection """ cls = self.collections[collection] if not cls.get_pk_name() in self.indexes[collection]: self.create_index(cls.get_pk_name(), collection) return self.indexes[collection][cls.get_pk_name()] def load_config(self, config=None, overwrite_config=False): config_file = self._path + "/config.json" if os.path.exists(config_file): with open(config_file, "rb") as config_file: # configuration is always stored in JSON format self._config = JsonSerializer.deserialize( else: if config: self._config = config.copy() else: self._config = {} if overwrite_config and config: self._config.update(config) for key, value in self.default_config.items(): if key not in self._config: self._config[key] = value if 'version' not in self._config: self._config['version'] = blitzdb.__version__ self.save_config() def save_config(self): config_file = self._path + "/config.json" with open(config_file, "wb") as config_file: config_file.write(JsonSerializer.serialize(self._config)) @property def config(self): return self._config @config.setter def config(self, config): self._config = config self.save_config() @property def path(self): return self._path def get_collection_store(self, collection): if collection not in self.stores: self.stores[collection] = self.StoreClass({'path': self.path + "/" + collection + "/objects",'version' : self._config['version']}) return self.stores[collection] def get_index_store(self, collection, store_key): if store_key not in self.index_stores[collection]: self.index_stores[collection][store_key] = self.IndexStoreClass({'path': self.path + "/" + collection + "/indexes/" + store_key,'version' : self._config['version']}) return self.index_stores[collection][store_key] def register(self, cls, parameters=None): super(Backend, self).register(cls, parameters) self.init_indexes(self.get_collection_for_cls(cls)) def get_storage_key_for(self, obj): collection = self.get_collection_for_obj(obj) pk_index = self.get_pk_index(collection) try: return pk_index.get_keys_for([0] except (KeyError, IndexError): raise obj.DoesNotExist def init_indexes(self, collection): cls = self.collections[collection] if collection in self._config['indexes']: # If not pk index is present, we create one on the fly... if not [idx for idx in self._config['indexes'][collection].values() if idx['key'] == cls.get_pk_name()]: self.create_index(collection, {'key': cls.get_pk_name()}) # We sort the indexes such that pk is always created first... for index_params in sorted(self._config['indexes'][collection].values(), key=lambda x: 0 if x['key'] == cls.get_pk_name() else 1): index = self.create_index(collection, index_params) else: # If no indexes are given, we just create a primary key index... self.create_index(collection, {'key': cls.get_pk_name()}) def rebuild_indexes(self, collection, keys): if not keys: return all_objects = self.filter(collection, {}) for key in keys: index = self.indexes[collection][key] index.clear() for key in keys: index = self.indexes[collection][key] for obj in all_objects: index.add_key(obj.attributes, obj._store_key) index.commit() def create_indexes(self, cls_or_collection, params_list, ephemeral=False): indexes = [] keys = [] if not params_list: return if not isinstance(cls_or_collection, six.string_types): collection = self.get_collection_for_cls(cls_or_collection) else: collection = cls_or_collection for params in params_list: if not isinstance(params, dict): params = {'key': params} if params['key'] in self.indexes[collection]: return # Index already exists if 'id' not in params: params['id'] = uuid.uuid4().hex if ephemeral: index_store = None else: index_store = self.get_index_store(collection, params['id']) index = self.IndexClass(params, serializer=lambda x: self.serialize(x, autosave=False), deserializer=lambda x: self.deserialize(x), store=index_store) self.indexes[collection][params['key']] = index if collection not in self._config['indexes']: self._config['indexes'][collection] = {} if not ephemeral: self._config['indexes'][collection][params['key']] = params self.save_config() indexes.append(index) if not index.loaded: # if the index failed to load from disk we rebuild it keys.append(params['key']) self.rebuild_indexes(collection, keys) return indexes def get_collection_indexes(self, collection): return self.indexes[collection] if collection in self.indexes else {} def encode_attributes(self, attributes): return self.SerializerClass.serialize(attributes) def decode_attributes(self, data): return self.SerializerClass.deserialize(data) def get_object(self, cls, key): collection = self.get_collection_for_cls(cls) store = self.get_collection_store(collection) try: data = self.deserialize(self.decode_attributes(store.get_blob(key))) except IOError: raise cls.DoesNotExist obj = self.create_instance(cls, data) return obj def save(self, obj): collection = self.get_collection_for_obj(obj) indexes = self.get_collection_indexes(collection) store = self.get_collection_store(collection) if == None: obj.autogenerate_pk() if hasattr(obj, 'pre_save') and callable(obj.pre_save): obj.pre_save() serialized_attributes = self.serialize(obj.attributes) data = self.encode_attributes(serialized_attributes) try: store_key = self.get_pk_index(collection).get_keys_for(, include_uncommitted=True).pop() except IndexError: store_key = uuid.uuid4().hex store.store_blob(data, store_key) for key, index in indexes.items(): index.add_key(obj.attributes, store_key) if self.config['autocommit']: self.commit() return obj def delete_by_store_keys(self, collection, store_keys): store = self.get_collection_store(collection) indexes = self.get_collection_indexes(collection) for store_key in store_keys: try: store.delete_blob(store_key) except (KeyError, IOError): pass for index in indexes.values(): index.remove_key(store_key) if self.config['autocommit']: self.commit() def delete(self, obj): collection = self.get_collection_for_obj(obj) primary_index = self.get_pk_index(collection) if hasattr(obj, 'pre_delete') and callable(obj.pre_delete): obj.pre_delete() return self.delete_by_store_keys(collection, primary_index.get_keys_for( def get(self, cls, query): objects = self.filter(cls, query) if len(objects) == 0: raise cls.DoesNotExist elif len(objects) > 1: raise cls.MultipleDocumentsReturned return objects[0] def sort(self, cls_or_collection, keys, key, order=QuerySet.ASCENDING): if not isinstance(cls_or_collection, six.string_types): collection = self.get_collection_for_cls(cls_or_collection) cls = cls_or_collection else: collection = cls_or_collection cls = self.get_cls_for_collection(collection) if not isinstance(key, list) and not isinstance(key, tuple): sort_keys = [(key, order)] else: sort_keys = key indexes = self.get_collection_indexes(collection) indexes_to_create = [] for sort_key, order in sort_keys: if sort_key not in indexes: indexes_to_create.append(sort_key) self.create_indexes(cls, indexes_to_create, ephemeral=True) def sort_by_keys(keys, sort_keys): if not sort_keys: return keys (sort_key, order) = sort_keys[0] _sorted_keys = indexes[sort_key].sort_keys(keys, order) return [sort_by_keys(k, sort_keys[1:]) for k in _sorted_keys] def flatten(l): fl = [] [fl.extend(flatten(elem)) if isinstance(elem, list) else fl.append(elem) for elem in l] return fl return flatten(sort_by_keys(keys, sort_keys)) def filter(self, cls_or_collection, query, initial_keys=None): if not isinstance(query, dict): raise AttributeError("Query parameters must be dict!") if not isinstance(cls_or_collection, six.string_types): collection = self.get_collection_for_cls(cls_or_collection) cls = cls_or_collection else: collection = cls_or_collection cls = self.get_cls_for_collection(collection) store = self.get_collection_store(collection) indexes = self.get_collection_indexes(collection) compiled_query = compile_query(self.serialize(query, autosave=False)) indexes_to_create = [] def query_function(key, expression): if key == None: return QuerySet(self, cls, store, self.get_pk_index(collection).get_all_keys()) qs = QuerySet(self, cls, store, indexes[key].get_keys_for(expression)) return qs def index_collector(key, expressions): if key not in indexes and key not in indexes_to_create and key != None: indexes_to_create.append(key) return QuerySet(self, cls, store, []) # We collect all the indexes that we need to create compiled_query(index_collector) if indexes_to_create: self.create_indexes(cls, indexes_to_create, ephemeral=True) query_set = compiled_query(query_function) return query_set