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Source code for blitzdb.backends.base

import abc
import inspect
import copy

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

from blitzdb.document import Document, document_classes

[docs]class NotInTransaction(BaseException): """ Gets raised if a function that must only be used inside a database transaction gets called outside a transaction. """
[docs]class InTransaction(BaseException): """ Gets raised if a function that must only be used outside a database transaction gets called inside a transaction. """
[docs]class Backend(object): """ Abstract base class for all backend implementations. Provides operations for querying the database, as well as for storing, updating and deleting documenta. :param autodiscover_classes: If set to `True`, document classes will be discovered automatically, using a global list of all classes generated by the Document metaclass. *The `Meta` attribute* As with `blitzdb.document.Document`, the `Meta` attribute can be used to define certain class-wide settings and properties. Redefine it in your backend implementation to change the default values. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, autodiscover_classes=True, autoload_embedded=True, allow_documents_in_query=True): self.classes = {} self.collections = {} self._autoload_embedded = autoload_embedded self._allow_documents_in_query = allow_documents_in_query if autodiscover_classes: self.autodiscover_classes()
[docs] def autodiscover_classes(self): """ Registers all document classes that have been defined in the code so far. The discovery mechanism works by reading the value of `blitzdb.document.document_classes`, which is updated by the meta-class of the :py:class:`blitzdb.document.Document` class upon creation of a new subclass. """ for document_class in document_classes: self.register(document_class)
[docs] def register(self, cls, parameters=None): """ Explicitly register a new document class for use in the backend. :param cls: A reference to the class to be defined :param parameters: A dictionary of parameters. Currently, only the `collection` parameter is used to specify the collection in which to store the documents of the given class. .. admonition:: Registering classes If possible, always use `autodiscover_classes = True` or register your document classes beforehand using the `register` function, since this ensures that related documents can be initialized appropriately. For example, suppose you have a document class `Author` that contains a list of references to documents of class `Book`. If you retrieve an instance of an `Author` object from the database without having registered the `Book` class, the references to that class will not get parsed properly and will just show up as dictionaries containing a primary key and a collection name. Also, when :py:meth:`blitzdb.backends.base.Backend.autoregister` is used to register a class, you can't pass in any parameters to customize e.g. the collection name for that class (you can of course do this throught the `Meta` attribute of the class) """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} if 'collection' in parameters: collection_name = parameters['collection'] elif hasattr(cls.Meta,'collection'): collection_name = cls.Meta.collection else: collection_name = cls.__name__.lower() delete_list = [] for new_cls, new_params in self.classes.items(): if 'collection' in new_params and new_params['collection'] == collection_name: delete_list.append(new_cls) for delete_cls in delete_list: del self.classes[delete_cls] self.collections[collection_name] = cls self.classes[cls] = parameters.copy() self.classes[cls]['collection'] = collection_name
def get_meta_attributes(self, cls): def get_user_attributes(cls): boring = dir(type('dummy', (object,), {})) return dict([item for item in inspect.getmembers(cls) if item[0] not in boring]) if hasattr(cls, 'Meta'): params = get_user_attributes(cls.Meta) else: params = {} return params
[docs] def autoregister(self, cls): """ Autoregister a class that is encountered for the first time. :param cls: The class that should be registered. """ params = self.get_meta_attributes(cls) return self.register(cls, params)
[docs] def serialize(self, obj, convert_keys_to_str=False, embed_level=0, encoders=None, autosave=True, for_query=False): """ Serializes a given object, i.e. converts it to a representation that can be stored in the database. This usually involves replacing all `Document` instances by database references to them. :param obj: The object to serialize. :param convert_keys_to_str: If `True`, converts all dictionary keys to string (this is e.g. required for the MongoDB backend) :param embed_level: If `embed_level > 0`, instances of `Document` classes will be embedded instead of referenced. The value of the parameter will get decremented by 1 when calling `serialize` on child objects. :param autosave: Whether to automatically save embedded objects without a primary key to the database. :param for_query: If true, only the `pk` and `__collection__` attributes will be included in document references. :returns: The serialized object. """ def get_value(obj,key): key_fragments = key.split(".") current_dict = obj for key_fragment in key_fragments: current_dict = current_dict[key_fragment] return current_dict serialize_with_opts = lambda value,*args,**kwargs : self.serialize(value,*args,convert_keys_to_str = convert_keys_to_str,autosave = autosave,for_query = for_query, **kwargs) if encoders: for matcher, encoder in encoders: if matcher(obj): obj = encoder(obj) if isinstance(obj, dict): output_obj = {} for key, value in obj.items(): output_obj[str(key) if convert_keys_to_str else key] = serialize_with_opts(value, embed_level=embed_level) elif isinstance(obj, list): output_obj = list(map(lambda x: serialize_with_opts(x, embed_level=embed_level), obj)) elif isinstance(obj, tuple): output_obj = tuple(map(lambda x: serialize_with_opts(x, embed_level=embed_level), obj)) elif isinstance(obj, Document): collection = self.get_collection_for_obj(obj) if embed_level > 0: try: output_obj = serialize_with_opts(obj.eager.attributes, embed_level=embed_level - 1) except obj.DoesNotExist:#cannot load object, ignoring... output_obj = serialize_with_opts(obj.attributes, embed_level=embed_level - 1) elif obj.embed: output_obj = obj.serialize(embed=True) else: if == None and autosave: if obj._lazy: # We make sure that all attributes that are already present get included in the reference output_obj = copy.deepcopy(obj.lazy_attributes) if obj.get_pk_name() in output_obj: del output_obj[obj.get_pk_name()] output_obj['pk'] = output_obj['__collection__'] = self.classes[obj.__class__]['collection'] else: if for_query and not self._allow_documents_in_query: raise ValueError("Documents are not allowed in queries!") output_obj = {'pk','__collection__':self.classes[obj.__class__]['collection']} #We include fields to the reference, as given by the document's Meta class if hasattr(obj,'Meta') and hasattr(obj.Meta,'dbref_includes') and obj.Meta.dbref_includes: for include_key in obj.Meta.dbref_includes: try: value = get_value(obj,include_key) output_obj[include_key.replace(".","_")] = value except KeyError: continue else: output_obj = obj return output_obj
[docs] def deserialize(self, obj, decoders=None): """ Deserializes a given object, i.e. converts references to other (known) `Document` objects by lazy instances of the corresponding class. This allows the automatic fetching of related documents from the database as required. :param obj: The object to be deserialized. :returns: The deserialized object. """ if decoders: for matcher, decoder in decoders: if matcher(obj): obj = decoder(obj) if isinstance(obj, dict): if '__pk__' in obj: pk_field = '__pk__' elif 'pk' in obj: pk_field = 'pk' else: pk_field = None if '__collection__' in obj and obj['__collection__'] in self.collections and pk_field: #for backwards compatibility attributes = copy.deepcopy(obj) del attributes[pk_field] del attributes['__collection__'] output_obj = self.create_instance(obj['__collection__'], attributes, lazy=True) = obj[pk_field] else: output_obj = {} for (key, value) in obj.items(): output_obj[key] = self.deserialize(value) elif isinstance(obj, list) or isinstance(obj, tuple): output_obj = list(map(lambda x: self.deserialize(x), obj)) else: output_obj = obj return output_obj
def create_instance(self, collection_or_class, attributes, lazy=False): """ Creates an instance of a `Document` class corresponding to the given collection name or class. :param collection_or_class: The name of the collection or a reference to the class for which to create an instance. :param attributes: The attributes of the instance to be created :param lazy: Whether to create a `lazy` object or not. :returns: An instance of the requested Document class with the given attributes. """ if collection_or_class in self.classes: cls = collection_or_class elif collection_or_class in self.collections: cls = self.collections[collection_or_class] else: raise AttributeError("Unknown collection or class: %s!" % str(collection_or_class)) if 'constructor' in self.classes[cls]: obj = self.classes[cls]['constructor'](attributes, lazy=lazy) else: obj = cls(attributes, lazy=lazy, default_backend=self, autoload=self._autoload_embedded) return obj def get_collection_for_obj(self, obj): """ Returns the collection name for a given object, based on the class of the object. :param obj: The object for which to return the collection name. :returns: The collection name for the given object. """ return self.get_collection_for_cls(obj.__class__) def get_collection_for_cls(self, cls): """ Returns the collection name for a given document class. :param cls: The document class for which to return the collection name. :returns: The collection name for the given class. """ if cls not in self.classes: if issubclass(cls, Document) and cls not in self.classes: self.autoregister(cls) else: raise AttributeError("Unknown object type: %s" % cls.__name__) collection = self.classes[cls]['collection'] return collection def get_cls_for_collection(self, collection): """ Return the class for a given collection name. :param collection: The name of the collection for which to return the class. :returns: A reference to the class for the given collection name. """ for cls, params in self.classes.items(): if params['collection'] == collection: return cls raise AttributeError("Unknown collection: %s" % collection) @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def save(self, obj, cache=None): """ Abstract method to save a `Document` instance to the database. :param obj: The object to be stored in the database. :param cache: Whether to performed a cached save operation (not supported by all backends). """
[docs] def get(self, cls, properties): """ Abstract method to retrieve a single object from the database according to a list of properties. :param cls: The class for which to return an object. :param properties: The properties of the object to be returned :returns: An instance of the requested object. .. admonition:: Exception Behavior Raises a :py:class:`blitzdb.document.Document.DoesNotExist` exception if no object with the given properties exists in the database, and a :py:class:`blitzdb.document.Document.MultipleObjectsReturned` exception if more than one object in the database corresponds to the given properties. """
[docs] def delete(self, obj): """ Deletes an object from the database. :param obj: The object to be deleted. """
[docs] def filter(self, cls, **kwargs): """ Filter objects from the database that correspond to a given set of properties. :param cls: The class for which to filter objects from the database. :param properties: The properties used to filter objects. :param sorty_by: A field or list of fields according to which to sort the returned objects. :param limit: The maximal number of objects to return in a single query. :param offset: The offset in respect to the beginning of the result list (to be used in conjunction with `limit`). :returns: A `blitzdb.queryset.QuerySet` instance containing the keys of the objects matching the query. .. admonition:: Functionality might differ between backends Please be aware that the functionality of the `filter` function might differ from backend to backend. Consult the documentation of the given backend that you use to find out which queries are supported. """